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    Now you know that the game isn't a remake, and is instead a reboot that shares similar themes and characters. What is this? Why not also take a look at our Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 campaign review if you're still wondering whether you should buy it or not.
    Latest Critic Reviews\n\n A somewhat droll campaign will greet players of Modern Warfare II. It's a short bombastic romp with some fun gunplay moments and fantastic graphics. The multiplayer, however, is a miss as it is no longer a properly combined entity and the lack of replayability is disappointing.
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    Players who pre-order the Vault Edition receive the Modern Warfare III Season 01 BlackCell offering, which includes the Battle Pass, BlackCell Sector that includes CP, Battle Token Tier Skips, and more.
    Vault edition is worth it if you care about weapon blueprints, emblems, calling cards, XP tokens, etc.
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    Sales and revenue\n\n According to preliminary sales figures from Activision, Modern Warfare 2 sold approximately 4.7 million units in the United States and the UK combined in the first 24 hours of its release.
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